
Being a first-time mom at 40 is becoming more and more common. Job instability, access to housing and the difficulty of achieving good family logistics make many women decide to postpone motherhood until they see other vital projects carried out.

Family patterns vary over time, and so does the average age for motherhood. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in 2019, a total of 2,834 women had a baby at 40 compared to 2,671 at 27.  

Data that was unthinkable not so long ago and that shows very graphically how we have changed.  


The benefits of being a mother from the age of 40
  • Maturity is very important when making certain decisions. As you enter your fourth decade of life, you will probably have much clearer priorities than you did 10 years ago, something that will help you if you decide to take the plunge into motherhood at 40. 


  • You won’t feel like you’re missing out on too much, a fear that can affect younger mothers. A 40-year-old woman has had time – under normal conditions – to train, to live experiences or to grow professionally. Besides, having a baby doesn’t mean giving it all up!



  • The University of London and the University College of London developed a study according to which having children after the age of 40 can have a multitude of benefits: less parental affiliation conflicts, better physical and emotional health in the child; as well as better and fast language development. 


The researchers attributed this in their conclusions to the fact that (as a percentage) parents of this age group have more experience, stability, and economic resources than younger ones. 


Can you be a mother at 40 naturally?

Being a mother at 40 is naturally possible, many couples achieve it. 

Of course, it’s not always possible. From the age of 35 onwards, the number and quality of the eggs decrease progressively, which is why many couples resort to fertility treatments -also highly developed- to conceive a baby. Fortunately, science has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent decades.

Keep in mind that the usual recommendation from experts is to try to get pregnant without help, at least for one year before going to a fertility clinic. 


Is it dangerous to be a mother at 40?

As for the risks of being a mother at 40, nowadays, the most normal thing is that a healthy woman does not have difficulties. As in any pregnancy, if you take care of your diet, don’t have harmful habits such as smoking, and in general, you lead a healthy life, the chances of success will multiply. 

However, some problems during pregnancy are indeed more common in this age group. Therefore, our advice is that if you decide to become a first-time mom at 40, do not be afraid, because every day thousands of healthy children are born to mothers in this age group. Remember if you have any doubts, consult your gynecologist previously, he will guide you and help you prepare in the best way to bring a beautiful baby into the world. 



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