Is it possible to enjoy the baby at the beach? Surely, many new parents have wondered this more than once. 

The answer is usually affirmative but with different points of view. In this article, we’re going to give you some tips that will allow you to enjoy the breeze at the seashore with your baby


Choose the right time to go down to the beach with your baby

The usual recommendation of pediatricians and dermatologists is to avoid, as far as possible, the central hours of the day between 11:00 and 16:00. 



Ideally, you should consult your pediatrician about the suitability of using sunscreen because it can sometimes cause irritations and allergies if they are very young. 

From then on, make sure you choose a cream that is water-resistant and suitable for your age group and renew it every hour. 


Swimwear with sun protection

Did you know that there is clothing with built-in sun protection? These specific swimwears, which can be easily found, are ideal for dressing your baby in the hot months. 


The right age…

Up to 6 months, exposure to the sun is not recommended. In case of going to the beach, it is recommended that the baby remains under an umbrella or awning with appropriate clothing all the time. 

From that age on – taking the right precautions – baby can go down to the beach, play in the sand, and take a bath without any problems. 


Get a pair of sunglasses for your child

Yes, children’s eyes are sensitive too. Surely you know that both water and sand are reflectors of ultraviolet radiation, but what you may not know is that this does not only affect the skin.


Don’t let them out of your sight!

Beach is a paradise for children. Especially in their first visits, the newborn will be before a new world. They will usually want to explore it and become familiar with it, so you should be careful not to put anything in their mouths that could cause them to choke, for example. 


Remember hydration

The baby is a developing human being. For example, the system that regulates sweating and their body temperature does not yet work in the same way as that of an adult, so they are more likely to suffer from heatstroke. 

As a precaution, it is a good idea to bring a bottle of water for them to drink periodically and also to refresh their heads frequently. 


Enjoy your baby!

As you can see, it is advisable to take a series of precautions to be healthy and to avoid the risks that can come with being with your baby at the beach. But more than that, the point is to enjoy watching your baby laugh and play at the beach!


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